11 November 2005

The Ship is going DOWN

I realize when you get to the end of this blog it will say that I started writing this at 9:22ish in the morning. Yeah, so what? This will be a short preface to the events that will taking place tonite at Dimples. There are only a select few that I would consider going to this bar with. D, you are lucky that you are one of them. Not to mention that after today's events that still have yet to take place, you are really going to need a night out to drown in some HYPNO.

For my fellow pirates who know not what 'Dimples' is, well...it's a karaoke bar in beautiful Burbank, California directly across the street from every major television studio known to man. And yes ladies, the man does work across the street in the Rhino Records building...(consider that my homage to you Brainpanic). On any given night, and I mean ANY GIVEN NIGHT, you can run into Dennis Haskins. Who the fuck is Dennis you ask? Why good ol' Mr. Belding of Saved by the Bell fame. So come one and come all to not only celebrate D's 2nd birthday party, but to see the musical stylings of Dennis Haskins. He's especially hot when he does his redition of Tom Jones' "It's Not Unusual", I even get wet between the legs. And, if that doesn't do it for you, D has told me that she plans to unleash the Dor-I tonight, that in itself folks is quite a treat. HEH. And, if you have fallen prey to the Dor-I before and you long to be taken into someone else's insanity the Chaquita flew into town yesterday and plans on singing all of her ballads in a wheelchair wearing a money coat. (I promise that follow up photos will be up soon) Till tonight I shall say adieu, raise your crunk cups, and give me an AHRG!


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